Year 6 11+ Entrance/ SPGS specific Boosters

The focus will be fully on preparing for the last 11+ entrance exams. As always, we will incorporate cross-training, using questions from various past paper questions from entrance exams of different schools to familiarize students with different question formats. The goal is to address specific needs for different school entrance exams. For a variety of schools, we recommend the in-person Booster running the week of December 16.
For those applying to SPGS, we recommend the SPGS-specific online session that runs Dec. 27-29. 
Each Booster is 3 sessions (1.5 hours long) over 3 days.
 There are 2 sets of Boosters. The first booster will cover the 11+ exam more widely, while the second will focus on the SPGS 11+ exam:

Monday Dec. 16th - Wednesday 18th 
SPGS Specific (online): Sunday Dec. 27 - Tuesday Dec. 29

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